research & publications
I conduct research on a number of topics at the intersection of digital technologies, security politics and the global south. Below you will find a list of selected works and research projects.
Peer reviewed articles
Luisa Lobato. (2024). 'South Fabricated': Computing stories of Global South insecurity. Contexto Internacional, v.46, n.3, Sep/Dec, p. 1-26.
Luisa Lobato & Victória Monteiro da Silva Santos. (2023). Digital tools as experts in international peace and security. International Affairs, v.99, p.1929-1951.
Anna Leander, with Cristiana Gonzales, Luisa Lobato & Pedro dos Santos Maia (2023) Ripples and their returns: tracing the regulatory security state from the EU to Brazil, back and beyond, Journal of European Public Policy, 30:7, 1379-1405, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2174583.
Daniel Edler Duarte & Luisa Cruz Lobato (2021) A política do policiamento preditivo: pressupostos criminológicos, técnicas algorítmicas e estratégias punitivas [The politics of predictive policing: Criminological assumptions, algorithmic techniques and punitive strategies]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais, v. 183, p. 57-98.
Luisa Cruz Lobato & Victória Monteiro da Silva Santos (2020) Lógicas de prevenção, legibilidade e intervenção: Composições cartográficas sobre o ‘crime’ no policiamento preditivo e na gestão de crises internacionais. [Logics of prevention, legibility and intervention: Cartographic compositions on 'crime' in predictive policing and international crisis management]. Monções: Revista De Relações Internacionais Da UFGD 9 (17): 299-332.
Luisa Cruz Lobato & Cristiana Gonzalez (2020) Embodying the Web, Recoding Gender: How Feminists Are Shaping Progressive Politics in Latin America. First Monday, Volume 25, Number 5 - 4 May. doi:
Tanja Aalberts, Xymena Kurowska, Anna Leander, Maria Mälksoo, Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Luisa Lobato & Ted Svensson (2020) Rituals of world politics: on (visual) practices disordering things, Critical Studies on Security, 8:3, 240-264, DOI: 10.1080/21624887.2020.1792734
Louise Marie Hurel & Luisa Cruz Lobato (2018) Unpacking cyber norms: private companies as norm entrepreneurs, Journal of Cyber Policy, 3:1, 61-76, DOI: 10.1080/23738871.2018.1467942.
Luisa Cruz Lobato (2017). La política brasileña De Ciberseguridad Como Estrategia De Liderazgo regional [The Brazilian Cybersecurity Policy As a Strategy of Regional Leadership]. URVIO Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios De Seguridad, n.º 20 (junio):16-30.
Luisa Cruz Lobato & Kai Michael Kenkel. A Ciberguerra É Moderna! Uma Investigação sobre a Relação entre Tecnologia e Modernização na Guerra. Contexto Internacional, v. 37, p. 629-660, 2015.
Luisa Cruz Lobato & Kai Michael Kenkel. Discourses of cyberspace securitization in Brazil and in the United States. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, v. 58, p. 23-43, 2015.
Book chapters
Louise Marie Hurel & Luisa Cruz Lobato. Cybersecurity governance in Brazil: Keeping silos or building bridges? In: Scott N. Romaniuk, Mary Manjikian. (Org.). Routledge Companion on Global Cyber-Security Strategy. 1ed. London: Routledge, 2021, v. 1, p. 1-646.
Luisa Cruz Lobato, Pedro Augusto Pereira Francisco & Louise Marie Hurel. Visão seletiva: um panorama geral das tecnologias de videovigilância no Brasil [Selective Vision: an overview of video surveillance technologies in Brazil]. In: Jess Reia; Luca Belli. (Org.). Smart cities no Brasil: regulação, tecnologia e direitos. 1ed. Belo Horizonte: Casa do Direito, 2021, p. 109-132.
Luisa Cruz Lobato & Louise Marie Hurel. Cyber-Norms Entrepreneurship? Understanding Microsoft’s advocacy on cybersecurity. In: Dennis Broeders; Bibi van den Berg. (Org.). Governing Cyberspace: Behaviour, Power and Diplomacy. 1ed. The Hague: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020, p. 1-336.
Luisa Cruz Lobato. Governança da Internet a partir da Periferia: Integrando a Amazônia Brasileira aos Debates sobre a Governança da Internet [Internet Governance from the Periphery: Integrating the Brazilian Amazon into Internet Governance Debates]. In: Daniel Oppermann. (Org.). Internet Governance in the Global South: History, Theory, and Contemporary Debates. 1ed. São Paulo: NUPRI, 2018, v. 1, p. 301-333.